Field Arts & Events Hall commits to sustainable building design
The LEED program (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) represents efforts by a coalition led by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) to establish a nationwide standard for constructing “green” buildings. Obtaining LEED certification requires compliance with a minimum number of criteria affecting many aspects of a project, from site selection to the recycled content of building materials. Projects earn points for LEED criteria they fulfill; those that earn more points are awarded a higher certification.
The minimum level is simply called “certification” and requires applicants to earn 40 of the 110 possible points. Projects that receive 50 points receive Silver Certification, those with 60 points earn Gold, and those with more than 79 points earn Platinum.
To qualify for Washington State and certain other grant funding, Field Hall must achieve a Silver Certification. Field Arts & Events Hall scores Gold.
According to the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, a “rapid and far-reaching” sustainable transition in land, energy, buildings, transport and population centers is needed to meet global carbon reduction goals. Buildings account for almost 40 percent of global energy-related CO2 and are expected to play a major role in a sustainable transformation.
Field Hall seeks its own role in this transition. Through sustainable design, construction, and operations, LEED Certified buildings like Field Hall can directly contribute to reducing carbon emissions, energy and waste; conserving water; prioritizing safer materials; and lowering our community’s exposure to toxins.
LEED Certification also offers other economic benefits. Green buildings reduce day-to-day operating costs year-over-year and report almost 20 percent lower maintenance fees than typical commercial buildings. They also significantly reduce carbon emissions, water and energy usage, and waste tonnage.
First Federal Community Foundation has made a generous commitment to support sustainable building upgrades at Field Arts & Events Hall necessary to achieve LEED Gold Certification.
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The Waterfront Coffee Bar at Field Hall will also be closed on Saturday, November 30th.
The Estill & Reba Cornett Box Office and Field Hall Gallery will be open on Saturday, November 30th from 10AM – 2PM for Small Business Saturday.
Special discounts and holiday treats available in person on November 30th.