“Impressions” Printmaking Exhibit Opens in the Field Hall Gallery, On Display Through Feb 4th

Washington local artists Cody Hagen, Monica Gutierrez-Quarto, Erika Harada, Eileen Jimenez, Thomas Connery pose with curator Lindsey Shepherd in front of Impressions exhibit sign at Field Hall
Exhibit sign for "Impressions" curated local art show with description

Field Hall Gallery proudly introduced its latest exhibition, “Impressions,” on November 9th. The curated collection of diverse work from Washington-based printmakers has transformed the gallery into a vibrant tapestry. 

Curated by Lindsey Shepherd, “Impressions” brings together printmakers with unique perspectives, each contributing a distinct narrative rooted in cultural heritage and intimately intertwined with the natural world. Shepherd reflects on the exhibit, stating, “Printmaking, with its rich history and versatile techniques, serves as a perfect medium to explore the intricate threads of cultural heritage, personal narratives, and the profound connection we share with nature.”

Washington local artists Cody Hagen, Monica Gutierrez-Quarto, Erika Harada, Eileen Jimenez, Thomas Connery pose with curator Lindsey Shepherd in front of Impressions exhibit sign at Field Hall
Featured artists Cody Hagen, Monica Gutierrez-Quarto, Erika Harada, Eileen Jimenez, Nikki Jabbora-Barber, and Thomas Connery pose with curator Lindsey Shepherd at the opening of "Impressions" in the Field Hall Gallery, November 9th. Field Hall event photographer: Nora Pitaro
A selection of pottery created by local artist Thomas Connery
A guest views work by Nikki Jabbora-Barber
A selection of prints on display; all work pictured is available for purchase.

The opening reception on November 9th was a free celebratory event, with attendees having the opportunity to engage with the featured artists and curator. The evening also featured Clallam County Poet Laureate Jaiden Dokken, who shared an original ekphrastic poem inspired by the artwork within the exhibit. Featured artists, in turn, offered personal insights into their printmaking process. 

Clallam County Poet Laureate Jaiden Dokken performs an original ekphrastic poem
Curator Lindsey Shepherd offers perspective
Artist Monica Gutierrez-Quarto
Guests mingle in the Pat Donlin Lobby

“Impressions” spotlights the work of Washington based local artists working in the realm of printmaking, including Thomas Connery, Monica Gutierrez-Quarto, Cody Hagen, Erika Harada, Nikki Jabbora-Barber, and Eileen Jimenez. 

The exhibit includes educational displays on the craft of printmaking, including tools used by the artists themselves and examples of their process.

“Impressions” will be on display in the Field Hall Gallery until February 4th. The gallery welcomes the public on Fridays from 12 PM to 4 PM and Saturdays from 10 AM to 2 PM. Additionally, the gallery opens its doors one hour before most Field Hall Presents events. For those interested in a more intimate experience, private group tours are available at no cost; arrangements can be made by contacting gallery@fieldhallevents.org or calling (360) 477-4679 x1.

Nikki Jabbora-Barber
Eileen Jimenez
Cody Hagen
Erika Harada
Thomas Connery
Monica Gutierrez-Quarto
Picture of Cheri Jessup

Cheri Jessup

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